Creating an Online Business

Course Description

Creating an Online Business provides a background in business concepts including the role of entrepreneurial businesses in the United States and their impact on the local, regional, national and global economy. Students will evaluate the skills and commitment necessary to successfully create and operate an online business venture. Students will assess the current economic, social and political climates for their entrepreneurial ideas, evaluating their business concepts, and writing business plans for their online venture. By the end of the course, students will assess the strengths and weaknesses of an online business concept, collect and organize market research data into a marketing plan, and prepare the financial analysis for their online business venture. Activities in this course include work-based learning that connects students to industry and the local community.


Algebra I (Recommended)


Marketing, Sales, and Service




One Year

UC A-G Approval

Yes: College-Preparatory Elective (G) – History / Social Science Requirement