Computer Mapping with GIS 1
Course Description
Computer Mapping with Geographic Information Systems is a foundational course in the Information Support System pathway, designed to provide fundamental concepts of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and enable students to apply the geographic inquiry process to environmental science, government, and business issues. This course introduces basic computer hardware, software and security management skills and integrates the history of automated mapping and GPS, cartographic principles, coordinate systems and map projections. Topics include project management, data structures, data sources and acquisition, shapefile layers and spatial data. Students will develop intermediate skills in online and desktop platforms, as well as analytical and spatial skills by identifying a hypothesis, gathering and analyzing data, and providing spatial solutions to practical and real life problems. GIS careers will be explored and fundamental concepts reinforced through hands-on activities and work-based learning that connects students to industry and the local community.
Successful completion of classes in computer technology, computer based applications, computer networking, or with teacher permission. Previous or concurrent enrollment in Algebra (recommended).
Information and Communications Technology
Information Support and Services
One Year
UC A-G Approval
Yes: College-Preparatory Elective (G) – History / Social Science Requirement