American Sign Language 2
Course Description
American Sign Language (ASL) skills are important in all customer service-related occupations, and the demand for interpreters is growing. This class provides a second level of training for those who wish to extend their knowledge, skills and abilities in ASL and pursue a career as an interpreter. Students will increase fluency of ASL and be able to use it receptively and expressively by giving and understanding of directions, use of facial expression, body language and other special aspects of ASL conversation. The culture of the Deaf Community will be studied and students will learn about interpreting as a career option, advanced training and certification requirements. Activities in this course include work-based learning that connects students to industry and the local community.
Complete function of at least one hand and completion of ASL 1 with C or better
Education, Child Development and Family Services
Family and Human Services
One Year
UC A-G Approval
Yes: English (E) – Language Other than English, Level 2 Requirement