Computer Mapping with GIS 2
Course Description
Computer Mapping with GIS 2 is the capstone course in the Information Support and Services pathway. It is designed to prepare students for an entry-level position in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) field and post-secondary education in Information Support and Services. It provides in-depth applications of GIS and computer mapping to geography, government, and business disciplines with emphasis on collaborative project management approach to resolving GIS issues. Specific topics include advanced spatial analysis (map overlays, buffers, networks), advanced GIS applications and software, 2D and 3D modeling, and analyzing the world with drone technology. Application of GIS advanced concepts will be reinforced in the laboratory with hands-on experience in the use of maps, data structures, spatial data, data integration and GIS outputs including charts, graphs, maps, and presentations. This advanced course will equip students with computer mapping, critical thinking, project collaboration skills, as well as scientific research and analytical skills used by GIS professionals in addressing emergency response, environmental, governmental and industry issues. Activities in this course include work-based learning that connects students to industry and the local community.
Computer Mapping with GIS I
Information and Communications Technology
Information Support and Services
One Year
UC A-G Approval
Yes: College-Preparatory Elective (G) – History / Social Science Requirement