STEAM Shop 1 

Course Description

STEAM = Science & Technology interpreted through Engineering & the Arts, all based in Mathematical elements.

This course will introduce students to the product design process, a series of steps used by designers, engineers, manufacturers, and inventors to address opportunities, meet needs, or develop solutions to problems. Students will apply the product design process to various projects across all industry sectors. Students will work on projects that involve designing, building, and testing products, repeating steps and making product improvements along the way. Students will follow the design process to strengthen their understanding of open-ended design, and emphasize creativity and problem solving. Activities will challenge and support the critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity skills required of the 21st Century learner. Activities in this course include work-based learning that connects students to industry and the local community.


Manufacturing and Product Development


Product Innovation and Design


One Year

UC A-G Approval

Yes: College-Preparatory Elective (G) – Interdisciplinary Requirement